Il giro del mondo per la fame nel mondo di Fabrizio Zeppa, 12/10/2010
Fabrizio Zeppa e i suoi amici Australiani Con l’occasione del loro passaggio a Roma volevo segnalarvi l’impresa che stanno compiendo tre ragazzi australiani.
Partiti da Instanbul con tre moto hanno gia percorso 10.000 km in Europa per poi percorrere tutta l’Africa e successivamente l’Australia per sensibilizzare la gente e raccogliere fondi per la fame nel mondo.
Noi come squadra vista la bontà dell'iniziativa e conoscendo i partecipanti abbiamo donato 300.00 euro, chi volesse donare personalmente o far conoscere il programma che si sono prefissi può consultare i loro siti e
Grazie a tutti.
Notizie tratte dal loro sito in inglese ma facilmente comprensibilI
Our Cause.
We believe that in a wealthy world, poverty is unjustifiable and preventable. We believe that the present state of inequality and injustice must be challenged, and that with the right help, poor people can change their lives for the better. That is what we Believe in.
Our Purpose.
To be part of the fight against global poverty by raising awareness in Australia and around the world. The Expedition Quad Squad is proudly supporting Oxfam Australia’s global poverty campaigning by setting a fundraising goal of $100,000 towards Africa: food, water, sanitation, education, agriculture, livestock, and HIV/AIDS.
Road Team
I have been dreaming about this journey since I was a teenager. Taking on a global challenge by going on a global adventure.
I have always loved seeing new places, meeting new people and learning new insights.
I have been to Africa several times and I know all too well the incredible hardships most Africans have; with water, sanitation, food, shelter, money, disease, and war just to mention a few.
Fabrizio Zeppa 