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11 consigli per la maratona

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Scheda gara: Race for Life

anno 201907/07/201910.000 metri

anno 2019

in sintesi

GaraRace for Life
Distanza10.000 metri
LocalitàCambridge (EE) Regno Unito
DataDomenica 07/07/2019 ore 11:00
OrganizzazioneGara inserita da Giovanni Galletta
Organizzata dal Cancer Research United Kingdon e dal dipartimento oncologico di Cambridge. Il ricavato verrà devoluto per la ricerca contro i tumori.
PercorsoThe Cambridge route takes in some of the most impressive sites and views of this beautiful historic city. On a mix of tarmac, grass and cobbles, this largely flat route will take you through the bustling city centre, past market square, through the stunning grounds of Kings College, and with the additional loop for the 10k course up to Stourbridge Common along the River Cam and back before finally reaching the festival atmosphere of Jesus Green where you can enjoy a well earned afternoon in the park.
LogisticaRitrovo: Jesus Green, Jesus Green, Victoria Avenue, Cambridge, CB4 1DU
IscrizioniQuota iscrizione: 14,99£