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11 consigli per la maratona

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Scheda gara: Boston's Run To Remember

10ª edizione anno 201425/05/201421.097 metri

10ª edizione anno 2014

in sintesi

GaraBoston's Run To Remember 10ª edizione
Distanza21.097 metri
LocalitàSeaport World Trade Center Boston - Boston (EE) Usa
DataDomenica 25/05/2014 ore 07:00
OrganizzazioneThe Boston Police Department and Boston Police Runner's Club invite you to the 10th running of Boston's Run To Remember on May 25, 2014. Race date is Sunday May 25th and number pick up and expo is Saturday May 24th. Honor Massachusetts Law Enforcement Officers killed in the line of duty by celebrating their lives and giving back to the community.
PercorsoThe courses for Boston's Run To Remember will take participants on a truly historic tour of downtown Boston. Highlights include the State House, Government Center, Faneuil Hall, Boston Common, The Public Garden, the Old State House, and Post Office Square.
LogisticaSaturday May 24 Time 9am - 5pm
Packet Pick Up
Sports and Fitness Expo
Kids and Adult Events
Kids Fun Runs
Location Seaport World Trade Center Boston World Trade Center Avenue (above expo hall)

Sunday May 25
6am Packet Pick Up - Seaport World Trade Center Boston
7am Half Marathon Start - Seaport Boulevard
7:15am 5-Mile Run Event - Seaport Boulevard
11am - 1pm Event Celebration - Seaport WTCenter Boston