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11 consigli per la maratona

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Scheda gara: 24 Hour Around The Lake Race

16ª edizione anno 201227/07/201242.195 metri
17ª edizione anno 201326/07/2013200.000 metri

17ª edizione anno 2013

in sintesi

Gara24 Hour Around The Lake Race 17ª edizione
Distanza200.000 metri
LocalitàWakefield (EE) Usa
DataVenerdì 26/07/2013 ore 19:00
OrganizzazioneSomerville Road Runners is proud to organize the 17th annual race on July 26-27, 2013. We will offer four events - 24 hour ultra, 12 hour ultra, 24 hour relay and marathon. The 24-Hour Race raises funds each year for Wakefield Educational Foundation, The Angel Fund and Christmas in the City.
PercorsoScenic, flat, wheel-measured 3.17 mile loop course around Lake Quannapowitt
LogisticaNumber Pickup: 4:00 - 6:30 PM on race day Friday, July 26 at Lord Wakefield Clarion Inn
IscrizioniEarly Registration (1/1/2013 - 5/31/2013) 24 Hour ultra: $120 12 Hour ultra: $95 6-8 person relay: $220 Marathon: SOLD OUT